Veritas Cluster Server - VCS

Versions:  1.0.1, 1.0.2, 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.3.0  (The difference between 1.1.1 og 1.1.2 is just VRTSgab)

1)  heartbeat is on layer 2, with  LLT /GAB (Low Latency Transport/Group Atomic Broadcast)

Script-setup NFS           Script-setup ORACLE          S_delete group          tuning-script v.01

Home MADE Agents  Diverse info/setup

Simple Setup(before 1.3.0) (I've never tried this):
cd /opt/VRTSvcs/wizards/config

Simple Setup(from 1.3.0) (even install the packages for you, but NOT the clusterManager(gui))
cd /cdrom/cdrom0

manuel setup:

make  /etc/llttab  and  /etc/llthosts /etc/gabtab

#cat /etc/llttab:(before 1.3.0)
set-node VXcluster1
link  qfe0  /dev/qfe:0
link  qfe1  /dev/qfe:1

#cat /etc/llttab:(from 1.3.0)
set-node VXcluster1
set-cluster 0
link  link1  /dev/qfe:0 - ether - -
link  link2  /dev/qfe:1 - ether - -

# cat /etc/llthosts
0 VXcluster1
1 VXcluster2

Will be started from /etc/rc2.d/S68llt

#cat /etc/gabtab
/sbin/gabconfig -c -n 2

GAB is started from /etc/rc.d/S92gab

test av LLT/GAB:
On  system A:
#/opt/VRTSllt/llttest -p <port>
>receive -c <count>

On  system B:
#/opt/VRTSllt/llttest -p <port>
>transmit -n <dest-node-ID> -c <count>

DISKHEARTBEAT:  This can be done in 2 ways:
1)  global, by  GAB
2)  pr. hagrp, its own resource , DiskGroupHB

1: needs 128blocks (64kb) of a  disk
#hahpsetup c1t3d0   (reinitialize)  Can still be used by  VxVM
heartbeat slice 7, private slice 3, public slice 4

Settes i /etc/rc2.d/S92gab:
/sbin/gabdisk -a  /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s7  -s  16  -p a
/sbin/gabdisk -a  /dev/rdsk/c1t3d0s7  -s  144  -p h

blocks 0-15: partition-table
blocks 16-143: Seed port a
blocks 144-271: VCS port h

/etc/VRTSvcs/conf/sysname  holds "the name of the node" this does not need to be the same as 'nodename' but why not?

#cat /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/
include ""   (Has to be copied from /etc/VRTSvcs/conf
cluster <clustername>
snmp <clustername>
system VXcluster1
system VXcluster2

Example of a  CONFIG:
Making a servicegroup, imports a diskgroup, starts a volume, mounts it and share it

Machines: VXcluster1, VXcluster2
cluster: VXcluster (
Volume: Vol01, dg= DataDG
Mountpoint: /export
ha(service)-group:  hanfs

VXcluster1#  haconf -makerw
# hagrp -add hanfs
group added; populating SystemList and setting the Parallel attribute recommended
 before adding resources
# hagrp -modify hanfs SystemList VXcluster1 1 VXcluster2 2
# hagrp -autoenable hanfs -sys VXcluster1
# #---------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add   nfsNIC NIC hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsNIC Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsNIC Device hme0
# hares -add nfsIP IP hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsIP Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsIP Device hme0
# hares -modify nfsIP Address
# hares -modify nfsIP IfconfigTwice 1
#  #---------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add nfsDG DiskGroup hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsDG Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsDG DiskGroup DataDG
# hares -modify nfsDG StartVolumes 0
#  #---------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add nfsVOL Volume hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsVOL Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsVOL Volume Vol01
# hares -modify nfsVOL DiskGroup DataDG
# #---------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add nfsMOUNT Mount hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsMOUNT Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsMOUNT MountPoint /export
# hares -modify nfsMOUNT BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/DataDG/vol01
# hares -modify nfsMOUNT Type vxfs
# #---------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add nfsNFS NFS hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsNFS Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsNFS Nservers 24
# #----------------------------------------------------------
# hares -add nfsSHARE Share hanfs
resource added
NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors
# hares -modify nfsSHARE Enabled 1
# hares -modify nfsSHARE PathName /export
# hares -modify nfsSHARE OnlineNFSRestart 1
# hares -modify nfsSHARE Options " -o rw,root=VxConsole"

# Finnished with config, make links and mountpoints:
# mkdir /export
# hares -link nfsIP nfsnic
# hares -link nfsVOL nfsDG
# hares -link nfsMOUNT nfsVOL
# hares -link nfsSHARE nfsIP
# hares -link nfsSHARE nfsMOUNT
# hares -link nfsSHARE nfsNFS

#haconf -dump -makero

- Resource MultiNIC will do network-failover (like nafo in SunCLuster)
MANUALS: HELPFILE output from VCS 3.5
