The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


He who lives without folly is less wise than he thinks --- NN


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This one can be player with all players at a time, or you can ask the group to watch as players come up with different ideas on how to do this.

Ask the players to become

  • A jar of mayonnaise

  • A pack of cigarettes

  • Dentures

At first, this will probably not lead to much. Add side coachings, like:

  • You are a jar of mayonnaise. Opened or not? Full or empty? Fresh or not? Show it.

  • You are a pack of smokes. Empty or full? Filter cigarettes or not? Where are you? In someone's pocket or on a shelve in a shop? Show it.

  • You are a flower. What kind of flower? Blooming or not? In a vase or in a field? What color? Freshly picked or not? A present to a lover or at a funeral?

  • You are water. Still or not? In a glass? A jar, a puddle, a lake or an ocean? Fresh or dirty?

  • You are stone, air, sand, fire.

  • Your are blue, red, green. You are a clock. Big Ben or grandfather clock? Working or not. Is your time right or not? A watch? Who is wearing you? A nun or a pimp? How could you show that?

  • You are French fries. McDonalds or Wendy's? Hot or cold? Any ketchup? On a plate or in a cardboard box? Eaten or not? Yummy or yuck?

After a while, players should be able to come up with the side coachings for themselves. Encourage the players to try out different kind of stuff, see what they come up with.












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