The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


People with dogs are cowards c'se they don't have the guts to bite others themselves --- August Strindberg

Blind Lead

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

One player is blindfolded, and the room is filled with obstacles (put a couple of chairs everywhere, leave all kinds of junk on the floor). The idea is that the rest of the group will lead the blindfolded player through the room, by talking.

Also known as Airplane. A helpful reader offered us an explanation for the name 'Airplane': The blindfoldee (or just eyes closed) is led through a maze composed of furniture and the other actors. He is an "Airplane" lost in the fog being talked down by the "Air Traffic Controller", who must remain in his/her "Tower". Standing on a chair/rehearsal block lends visibility for the controller. The airplane also only has a limited amount of fuel left (1-3 minutes, whatever) to reach a safe landing (arriving at the Tower). The airplane is also allowed two "brushes"-limited contact with an obstacle. The third brush or a direct hit or stepping on something directly causes a "crash". They may step around, over or under the obstacles. Also, the airplane can only fly forward. It can turn in any direction, however. The directions must be given from the pilot's point of view; a good exercise for fledgling directors. You can also destroy all the trust you've built up in your class by completely clearing the deck and torturing the Pilot. Believe us, someone will suggest it.

Also known as Obstacle Course. See also Fingertips for a similar exercise.












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