The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Tragedy is when I hurt my thumb. Comedy is when you fall in a manhole and die --- Mel Brooks

Only Questions

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

A scene is played, in which any sentence used by the players must be a question. Players that use statements instead of questions are boo-ed out by the audience (audience yells 'Die') and are replaced by other players. New players need to take over the character of the players they replace.


Although questions are quite often frowned upon in improv (see Questions and Wimping ), in this game the idea is to build a story. That implies that any question should be giving information, and should be (implicitly) advancing on the information already available. Evidently, the next player should implicitly accept any information that was given in the previous question(s).












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