The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


The only thing that makes life possible is permanent intolerable uncertainty - not knowing what comes next --- Ursula Guin


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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We're doing almost exactly this for two weeks at the beginning of April with a cast of 5. We call it "TellTales" and it ROCKS. We don't restrict the actors to interacting with invisible characters though. Our cast of five gets one ask-for each at the top of the show, and then each person is free to play solo scenes with invisible characters, addressing the audience, musing to themselves, speaking on the telephone, just being physical and so on until another player enters, at which point they have to leave. Over the course of the evening we build a complete play (and the actors can play multiple characters too if they want). We're doing 45 minutes of scripted monologues in the first half, and then a 45 minute TellTales in the second half. All the info is on our website, and look out for this show in "plugs" shortly!












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