The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Go -- not knowing where. Bring -- not knowing what --- Russian proverb

Translate Gibberish

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This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This is best played with an odd number of players. Everyone in a circle. The first player gives a gibberish word to her right neighbor, who translates the word. The next player provides the next gibberish word, and so on.


The receiver can provide both the translation, and a new gibberish word.

You may want to add the origin of the language along with the translation.


Any gibberish word might be translated as 'banana' of course, but that is not the idea of the exercise. For your translation, use the first thing that comes to mind. You may be inspired by the whole sound of the word (it might sound like something 'known'), or parts of the word (only the vowels, or only the consonants), or by the intonation of the 'giver', or even by her expression or body language.

Try gibberish in different 'languages' or 'accents'. Also known as Gibberish Dictionary.












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