The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Genius means little more than perceiving in an unhabitual way --- William James

Yes Lets - or Rather Not

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This is a bit controversial, and you probably don't want to do this with newbies.

This one goes a bit like Yes Lets : all players on stage, someone provides a location, e.g. a beach. One player suggests an action. All players that like the action yell 'Yes, Let's do that' and start doing it. Whoever does not like the suggestion steps out sits down. Game continues till only one player is left.


This one is a bit controversial as players will object that (one of) the main ideas in Improv is to accept, and in this game one can reject a suggestion.

The idea behind this exercise is that we want our players to be Mr. Nice Guy - players should try to make their co-players happy. The problem is to learn what suggestions are 'good', which suggestions make our other players happy. And that's what we're trying to learn with this exercise.

Attitude is important for this one:

  • players should not feel inhibited to step out (i.e. they should not feel that they are not accepting

  • players should not feel rejected when others step out. Be happy about that - you are learning which suggestions make others happy! (see Chivalry ).












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