The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans --- John Lennon

Blind Association Circle

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This one starts just like Free Association Circle : players in a circle, establish a rhythm, and freely associate on previous player's word. As this is going on, the trainer will tap all players gently on the shoulder, at 3 times:

  • first tap: players close their eyes but continue the free association, sticking to the rhythm

  • second tap: everyone starts walking around (carefully!), eyes still closed.Players have to recognize the voice of their ex-neighbour in the circle to know when it's their turn.

  • Third tap: all players, still eyes closed, and still associating, try to reconstruct the circle.

Exercise is over when everyone is in a circle again. Trainer should keep an eye on players to make sure they don't run into things. It helps if there's not too much clutter around, of course.












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