The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


The only joy in the world is to begin --- Casare Pavese


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

Imagine the stage is a large disc, supported in the middle. The goal is to keep the disc balanced.

Game starts with a player entering the disc; he is the leader. As soon as the leader stops milling about on the disc, another player must jump in and restore the balance. The new player becomes the new leader, and the previous leader becomes a follower.

As soon as the balance is restored, the leader can start walking around; the other player stays where he is. As soon as the leader stops again, the follower(s) move and restore the balance. After that, the leader becomes one of the followers, and a new leader jumps in.

The group of followers may split into groups of equal size, and restore the balance that way.

Keep in mind that followers don't start moving until the leader stops.

See also Disc(1) .












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