The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Improvising is for people who are too lazy to write --- Amy Sedaris


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

Excellent introductory exercise for building environments and Platform . All players in 2 rows. 2 facing players play the exercise, the others watch.

Player 1 sets a (part of a) platform by miming a door. As soon as player 2 has an idea about where player 1 might be, player 2 steps into the scene and offers a line of dialog, expressing where we are. Player 2 answers player 1, acknowledging player 1's offer. This ends the scene.

The audience should know after these 2 lines of dialog where the players are, and who they are, or what their relationship is to one another.


'Doors' can be anything that separates one physical location from another. Players can mime real doors, but also gates, curtains, you name it. Encourage players to try out as many types of 'doors' as possible. Use sound to enhance the platform, e.g. a door in a submarine makes a different kind of noise than an elevator door.

See also 3 Line Environment .












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