The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Play it, don't say it --- NN


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This one is like an extended version of Bippety Bop . Start with 3 things:

  • an Elephant, consisting of a trunk, made by the middle player, by holding your nose with one hand, and extending yo ur other arm through the arm that holds the hand that holds the nose (does this make any sense?). The neighboring players each form a big ear, using both arms. Don't forget to attach the ears to the elephant's head. Make an elephant sound.

  • A palm tree: the middle player is the tree, her neighbors become the waving leaves of the tree. Make windy noise

  • A car: the middle player holds the steering wheel, the neighbors do the wheels. Make car engine noise.

One player in the middle. Point to a person and yell Elephant (or Palm Tree, or whatever was agreed). Then choose another player and yell something else. Do this at high speed.

Now for the extension: when someone makes a mistake, look at what the person does, and add that to the list of possibilities. For example, someone might be waving their arms incorrectly in from of them, trying to build the trunk of the elephant. If the group things this resembles, say, a swimmer, we decide on adding a swimmer to the list of options. Say the middle player does the arms and her neighbor do the legs.

Repeat until you have so many options that everyone goes wrong...












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