The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Trying harder is like trying to slam a revolving door --- Keith Johnstone

French Braid

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This is a very simple format, which consists of a number of (unrelated) scenes, that get interrupted, and then continues at a later point.

It is played as follows: 2 or more players start a scene. At any time, when another player or players enters the stage, the scene is interrupted (or fades out) and the new player(s) start a new scene. This is repeated until all players have played.

Then the series is restarted with the first scene. This scene continues, or starts at a later point in time (or later in the story, like a Fast Forward ). The scene gets interrupted again, and so forth.

The whole is repeated several times.

This is typically played without a director - the players decide when to interrupt an ongoing scene. Players typically play one character.












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