The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Genius means little more than perceiving in an unhabitual way --- William James

Goon River

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

This is a format that consists of monologues. The story is not played, but told. The players (typically 3 or 4) line up in front of the audience, Based on a single audience suggestion they all tell the same story, each as their own character in that story.

The play usually starts with every character introducing him or herself. The order in which characters speak is not really important, as long as they all speak.

After the introductions, things start to happen. Every character reflects on what is happening from their own perspective, and each character adds elements to the story.

Keep going (and make sure that every character keeps contributing) and Reincorporating as long as things stay interesting.

Also known as Also known as Spoon River. , Also known as Moon River. , Also known as Goon River. and Spork River .

See also Voices From Heaven for a short form game version which is really based on the same handle.


Origin unknown, but the story goes that the name of the format would be inspiredby a book Spoon River by Edgar Lee Masters (hop on to for more info on Spoon River).


This is a great way of exercising monologues!

Referring back to the work of Masters, many groups tend to end the format with the death of (one or more of) the character(s).












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