The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


If I cannot bend Heaven, I shall move Hell --- Vergilius

He Said She Said

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

Excellent game to show how Endowment works. 2 players; each player will state the action the other player must perform, followed by his own line.


  • 1: "I want a divorce"

  • 2: "She said, while grabbing a knife from the kitchen table." At this point player 1 needs to take a knife. Player 2 continues with his own line. "Sure Honey"

  • 1: "He said, while turning to the sports page of the paper". Now, it's quite clear that player 2 should be paying more attention to the paper than to his wife. Player 1 continues with her own line. "You're not listening to me"

  • and so on.

Players refer to each other as 'he' and 'she', and endow each other with the next action to take. This can be quite funny, if you endow your partner to do crazy or not-so-nice things to you (or to themselves, but that's would not be Mr. Nice Guy ).


Can be done with 4 players: 2 provide the lines, and the 2 others provide the 'directions' - each director provides the action for one of the 2 talkers.

Can also be one with 3 players: one provides directions and both other players do their own dialogs.


Keep the action do-able and active. Making someone else 'think about something' is hard to play, and not very active. Also known as He Said While She.












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