The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


He who lives without folly is less wise than he thinks --- NN

King Game

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This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

One player is the king or the queen. Other players are to try and pleas his/her Royal Highness. They do this by entering the room, and offering something. The queen either tells them to

  • continue, in case she's interested.

  • die, in case the queen is bored

  • freeze, if the queen might be interested

Players that are allowed to continue may approach the queen and the queen may unfreeze frozen players at her discretion. The game is over when a player is close enough to actually touch the queen.


The queen can kill a player for any reason: she may not like the message, or she may not like the way the message is presented. The queen can give hints why she does not like the offer: "You know I don't drink coffee, so die!". The queen should be really difficult..

Also known as Queen Game. . This is a PC site/document after all.












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