The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Talkers are no good doers --- William Shakespeare, "Henry VI"

My Fault

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

You need 2 plastic bottles, each with a little bit of water (not too much or they'd be too heavy). Make sure your bottles are sturdy. or everyone will get wet.

Have everyone walk around leisurely, and hand 2 players the bottles. The idea is to make eye contact with someone. As soon as a player has eye contact with a player with a bottle, the bottle is thrown. If at any point the bottle is dropped, both the thrower and the receiver lie down on the floor and shout 'My Fault' as loud as possible. After than, one of them picks up the bottle and the game continues.

Side coaching: tell the players to take risks, to try and make eye contact with a player at the other side of the room.


  • Tell the players the bottle is red hot, and they need to throw it as fast as possible, or they'll burn their hand.

  • The bottle becomes extremely light, or extremely heavy, and the players act accordingly.












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