The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Time, heat and pressure. The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle --- Scott Meyer

Name 6 Circle

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

You will need a tennis ball or a towel tied in a knot for this one. Everyone sitting or standing in a circle. You give one person the ball, and ask him to name at least 6 (or any other number, depending on the size of the circle), in the time it takes for the ball to get passed along the circle. Things to ask for might be

  • sour tasting fruit

  • foreign makes of cars

  • names of seas

  • B-movies

  • Italian foods


Have one person in the middle of the circle. This person provides the category, and indicates how many replies are expected from a player in the circle. If that player does not live up to the challenge, he takes the place in the middle of the circle.


  • Tell players not to watch the ball go round when they're 'it' - they'll just panic and freeze. Try this with closed eyes.

  • Don't ask for 1940's Nobel Prize winners, or simply 'emotions'.












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