The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


The map is not the territory --- Alfred Korzbyski


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In any scene we (and the audience) will want to see something happen, or a story developing.

In Improv Handbook for the Actor , Greg Atkins states the improv is 'Storytelling on your Feet'. More accurately, improv should be 'Storytelling on each other's Feet', as several players will be trying to build one story, although none of them will know which direction the others might be going.

In that respect, improv is Group storytelling.

For most stories, we will want to know who/what/where we are ( Platform ), and then something should happen ( Tilts , Conflict ), that perhaps changes the Status between characters. Finally we want a solution, to conclude the scene.

Since we are playing theatre, we should not be afraid of a little Truthfulness in our stories. After all, the truth is funny (see Truth in Comedy ).












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