The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


The only thing that makes life possible is permanent intolerable uncertainty - not knowing what comes next --- Ursula Guin

Who Where Why Am I

Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

One player leaves the room. The audience provides:

  • where we are, and when (what era)

  • who the player will be (can be a person, or just his occupation)

  • a physical handicap for the player (perhaps he's blind ?)

  • a problem the player has

Then a scene is played, in which the other players need to coach player 1 into guessing each of the items above, without giving any explicit clues. Example: scene is played on the Red Square in Moscow, in 2050, where a limping salesman of vacuum cleaners never sells any vacuum cleaners, since his prices are quoted in rubels instead of Euros (Russia is obviously part of the Eurodollar zone in 2050).

See also Hijacker .












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