The Improv Encyclopedia - V 1.3.6 - 10May2003


Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans --- John Lennon


Where are we?


This is a Game. It is in the following categories:

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How it Works

Everybody in a circle. Start with one person, who waves both hands to his/her neighbor, saying 'Whoosh'. The next person passes the Whoosh to his neighbor, and that way the Whoosh is passed around the circle.

There's 4 other sounds/movements that can be made.

  • 'Wow': indicated by saying Wow, and moving both arms down. A Wow changes the direction of the Whoosh

  • 'Zap': instead of passing the Whoosh to your neighbor, it gets zapped to the person you point to. The receiver continues with either a Whoosh to his neighbor, or another Zap to another person. A Wow after a Zap returns to the Zapper.

  • 'Groooooooovelicious': for this one the whole group bends down and up again in a kinda groovy way, all saying Groooooooovelicious. Afterwards, the person who started the Groovelicious sets the Whoosh in motion again, in any direction.

  • 'Freakout': indicated by waving both hands in the air. Everybody starts screaming and moves to the center of the circle. When everybody's freaked out a new circle is formed, and the starter of the Freakout sets the Whoosh in motion again (or Zaps, or does a Grooooooovelicious).


You can invent other sounds and gestures. You might replace Whoosh by a kind of Vroom-Vroom, as is you're in a car, and replace Wow by the sounds of brakes ('iiiii') etc. Also known as Zip Zap Zoop.












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